The collegiate Corner – Waseem Williams – TrackandFieldNerdz


The Collegiate Corner! Highlighting Jamaica’s best collegiate athletes! Jamaica’s premier news column which focuses our young charges poised to make the transition!

Good day Waseem! How have you feeling?

Waseem: I’m good!

You’re now the NACAC u23 champion! Tell us about your preparations going into the championship and how you are feeling now after claiming the title.

Waseem: I had about 2 weeks after trials to get ready and have been doing the same thing that I’ve been doing throughout my regular season. Winning felt great to be honest! I didnt know the race was gonna be that fast but when you have fast competitors you can expect anything!.

You recently competed at the national championship but unfortunately it ended disappointly, could you tell our readers about how you were able to bounce back and even out do previous performances.

Waseem: In the finals at trials I had a little mishap. I stumbled out of the blocks while going through my drive phase. I tried to get back but it wasnt meant to be. As for NACAC, I was in the same shape and i tried to ensure it wouldn’t happen again. I honestly just fed off the vibe of the crowd and how fast my competitors were.

You wont be competing at this year’s world’s but Tokyo 2020 beckons, are 
You planning on being on that team to the Olympics?

Waseem: Definitely! It’s on my agenda after I complete some missions with my boys (teammates at Purdue) during the Collegiate season.

You’ve managed to stay injury free throughout the vast majority of this season and this has yielded great rewards. What has been so different about this season?

Waseem: This season I focused more on the smaller stuff like stretching and hydration. This year we also had a different warm up so I think that lessened the chances of injury

Remind our readers about what you’re currently studying?

Waseem: I’m majoring in Organisational Leadership with a minor in Human Resource Management. 

What do you think of Jamaica’s current crop of young sprinters?

Waseem: Jamaica has a great set of upcoming talents and regardless f what is being portrayed now Jamaica will still be in the mix for years to come. Jamaica has great coaches so I have no doubts that we’ll be up there. 

If there is 1 thing you could tell your younger self what would it be?

Waseem: If there was 1 thing I could tell my current self? Dawg, run more 200’s ! Lool. 

Do you have any advice for young and upcoming athletes who may see some of your current success and aspire to be like you?

Waseem: Try your best to stay healthy, focus on the small stuff like stretching and hydration and also focus on your goals and be open minded. Changes can be good sometimes!.

Thanks Waseem! And we wish you all the best in your future endeavours!

Waseem: Respect!

Interview was done by Alfred Kelly for Trackandfieldnerdz.