2022 GIBSON McCook RELAYS -Girls’ preview


The Gibson relays are back, however with a different format. Due to covid restrictions, the races will all
be finals, and the teams in the finals have been selected by the Gibson relay committee, based on last
year’s champs results. So teams that are doing well this year, might not be selected if they dropped the
baton or did not make the finals last year. Here are some of the current top teams that have not been

  1. Hydel’s 4 X 200M girls’ team with Brianna Lyston, Kerrica Hill, Alana Reid and Oneika McAnnuff
    who have all won gold medals at girls champs and have represented the country at the junior
  2. Immaculate Conception’s 4 X 100M class four girls’ team, with top sprinters Kedoya Lindo and
    Kimberly Wright leading in the 100m and 200m class four rankings
    However, if teams do not turn up or cancel at the last minute, these non-selected teams may get the
    chance to compete.
  3. Girls 4 X 100 M
    Class I
    Edwin Allen is expected to win easily here, with their star studied team of the Clayton Twins and Serena
    Cole. These three girls were part of the team that broke both the world youth and world junior records
    at last year’s world juniors. However, Hydel also boasts world class junior talent, with Brianna Lyston,
    Oneika McAnnuff and Oneka Wilson who have all represented Jamaica and can certainly pull off an
    upset if Edwin Allen has problems with the baton.

  1. Edwin Allen.
  2. Hydel
  3. St. Jago
  4. Immaculate
  5. Holmwood
  6. St. Catherine
  7. Queens

Girls 4 X 100 M


Hydel boasts the two top sprinters in this class, with both Alana Reid and Kerrica Hill winning multiple
medals at the girls championships. They are expected to easily win this event, but the fast improving St.
Catherine team could certainly pull off a surprise with Asharrie Ulett and Kacian Johnson both expected
to make their mark at this year’s girl championships.

  1. Hydel
  2. St. Catherine
  3. Edwin Allen
  4. St. Jago
  5. Holmwood
  6. Wolmers
  7. Excelsior

Girls 4 X 100 M

CLass Three

Edwin Allen boasts the top sprinter in this class. Last year’s class four double sprint champion Theanna –
Lee Terrelonge has been having a great season and could lead the Edwin Allen quartet to victory. But
St. Jago has a deep squad, with Bryana Davidson, Olivia St. John, Camoy Binger, Briana Campbell and
Poshanna Lee Blake all quality sprinters. Hydel also has top sprinters like Jody-Ann Daley and
Shemonique Hazle, and this race will be a ding dong battle with these three contenders.

  1. St. Jago
  2. Hydel
  3. Edwin Allen
  4. Immaculate
  5. Holmwood
  6. St. Catherine
  7. Excelsior
  8. Vere Tech

Class IV
Immaculate has the top sprinters in this class, with the unbeaten Kedoya Lindo dominating the 100M
and Kimberly Wright running the fastest time in the 200m. In fact, Immaculate has 4 sprinters ranked in
the top 14 . But rumor has it that Immaculate might not face the starter in this event, because they were
not originally invited by the Gibson Committee and may only be allowed to run if a selected team drops
out. The other top teams in this event are Edwin Allen, St. Jago and St. Catherine.

  1. Immaculate
  2. Edwin Allen
  3. St, Catherine
  4. St. Jago
  5. Hydel
  6. Wolmers
  7. Vere Tech

Medley Relay
The teams deepest in middle distance running talent will prevail

  1. Edwin Allen
  2. Holmwood
  3. Vere Tech
  4. St. Jago
  5. Vere Tech
  6. Hydel
  7. St. Mary

4 X 800M Open
Edwin Allen has the deepest middle distance squad and should win this event. The experience of
runners like Jessica Mclean, Rikeisha Simms and Rushana Dwyer saw them wining this event at the
western relays and it is expected that they will continue their dominance. But Holmwood also boasts top
middle distance runners like Samantha Price, Jody Mitchell and Torrian Noad and if last year’s class
three duo of Cindy Rose and Andrene Peart get back to form, they could give the favorites a serious
challenge. St. Catherine, Hydel, Vere, Alphonsus Davis and St. Jago all have good runners, but their
squads may not be deep enough to give the top two a serious challenge.

  1. Edwin Allen
  2. Holmwood
  3. St. Jago
  4. Vere Tech
  5. Alphonsus Davis
  6. St. Catherine
  7. Hydel

4 X 200M

This is an event where schools tend to use their reserves to run this race, preferring to have top athletes
concentrate on the 4 X 100M and 4 X 400m. Bragging rights however, are very important here, and
Edwin Allen will quite likely use the Clayton twins in this event. If Hydel gets the chance to run, they will
use their top classes two and one sprinters like Alana Reid, Kerrica Hill and Brianna Lyston in the event,
and this could possibly be the race of meet on the female side.

  1. Edwin Allen
  2. Hydel
  3. St. Jago
  4. St. Catherine
  5. Holmwood
  6. Immaculate

4 X 400M
Over the last few years, Hydel has dominated this event at both the Gibson relays and the girl’s
championships. This year will be no different, with the Hydel squad brimming with talented girls like
Oneika McAnnuff, Daena Dyer and Alliah Baker. Their main threat will come from the improving
Holmwood Tech, St. Jago, Vere and Excelsior.

  1. Hydel
  2. Edwin Allen
  3. Holmwood
  4. St. Jago
  5. Vere Tech
  6. Excelsior
  7. Alphonsus Davis
  8. St. Catherine

written by Oliver Harris

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